In general, if you experience inflammation, extreme pain, or bleeding, you should seek immediate assistance.
You should also seek prompt care if you have a broken, cracked, chipped, or knocked-out tooth. A crown, filling, or inlay may become loose or break due to decay under the crown or the crown becoming detached. Additionally, any jaw pain should be addressed immediately.
Rest assured that our dentists and professionals take emergency care seriously by reserving time in their schedules to see patients on the same day or the following day.
A visible abscess or a pus-filled abscess indicates that the tooth or gum is infected. Swelling in the face may suggest an infection in the tooth, gum, or jawbone. All infections should be considered urgent as they can spread to other parts of the body, causing irreversible permanent damage.
If you feel that something is stuck between your teeth, it could be a food particle, a fragment of a tooth, or a broken filling.